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Lisnagelvin Primary School, Richill Park, Londonderry

Our Staff

Mr Torrens Principal
Mr Torrens Principal


Mr C Torrens

Vice Principal & SEN Coordinator

Mrs J Thompson

Foundation Stage Teachers

Mrs A Buchanan Mrs R O'Hara, Miss L Mullan

Mrs K McGahon, Miss S McDermott, Mrs K Simpson

Key Stage 1 Teachers

Mrs A Doherty, Miss R McFerran, Mrs C Scobie 

Mrs L Cowan, Mr D Lynch, Mrs C Simpson Mrs E Bradley

Key Stage 2 Teachers

Mrs J Ferris, Mrs H Hughes, Mrs J Smallwoods, Mr J Crown

Mrs A Beattie, Mr D Hughes, Ms A Lipczynski, Mrs J Torrens

Mr J Doherty Mrs A Fields,  Mrs R Taggart

Music & Drama Teacher

Mrs J Caldwell


Mrs C Magee

Ancillary Staff

Senior Executive Officer

Mrs J Gault

Executive Officer/PA to the Principal

Mrs H Boyle

Building Supervisor

Mr N Falconer

Special Needs Classroom Assistants

Mrs M Amerian,   Mrs M Black,       Miss L Blair,       Ms R Byrne,      Mrs E Cammack,   Mrs J Carmichael, 

Miss C Coyle,       Mr L Doherty,      Ms A Graham,   Miss L Hanna,                           

Mr Mark Johnstone, Mrs M Johnstone,   Mr A Kelly,   Miss N Lester,   Mrs D Mallett,   Mrs H McGonigle,   

Miss D McGowan,    Mrs S McMenamin,  Mrs K McShane,  Mrs D McNaught,  Mrs A Miller,   Mrs L Miller, 

Miss A Moore,        Mrs L Roulston,      Mrs I Rutherford,  Mrs H Smallwoods,  Mrs K Smith,  Mrs C Stone,   Mrs S Taylor,   

Mrs A Thompson,   Mrs C Walsh, Mrs C Watson,  Miss G Wray, Mr G Montgomery, Miss H Thompson,

Miss C Thompson, Miss H Orr,

P1 Classroom Assistants

Mrs C Smith, Miss C Walker, Ms H Purdy

P2 Classroom Assistants

Mrs S Callen, Ms J Temple, Mrs N Davies

Cook in Charge

Mrs A McCrea