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Lisnagelvin Primary School, Richill Park, Londonderry


2021/2022 School Year

1st Jul 2022
The end of the 2021-22 school year has come. Summer holidays are here with blue...
30th Jun 2022
💕 Congratulations to the new Mr and Mrs Scobie.  Today, Miss McMurray became...
29th Jun 2022
We were all excited to attend Prize Day today.  Here is a short video to showcase...
27th Jun 2022
Pupils in P4 enjoyed a great minibeast day.  We went on a minibeast hunt, made...
24th Jun 2022
Tonight, staff joined together to say ‘farewell’ to Miss Royle as she...
20th Jun 2022
Please find details of the Holiday Bible Club at Kilfennan Church  22 - 24...
17th Jun 2022
The best day of the school year is definitely Sports Day.  We loved running...
16th Jun 2022
P4 enjoyed painting some snails and Dream Trees following the ideas of Dawn Crothers,...
1st Jun 2022
It's the last month of the school year. It's Joyful June. Follow the advice on this...
1st Jun 2022
In June, P4 are going to find out all about ants. Can you find an ant in your...