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Lisnagelvin Primary School, Richill Park, Londonderry

P4 Find Out About Earthworms

16th Jun 2020

This week, P4 are going to find out all about earthworms.

This page contains some information about earthworms to help you.

Watch the videos about earthworms.  There are 2 videos by BBC Teach and Ulster Wildlife Trust.  They are made especially for KS1 pupils.  There are lots of facts in each video.  Watch them in this order:

  1. Worms are wonderful
  2. What happens to fallen leaves?
  3. Wildlife Wednesday - How to build a wormery!

Next, read the presentation all about earthworms. The presentation will move in order, just like your Bug Club reading books if you click on the word 'Slideshow' along the very top of the screen (find File and keep reading across) and choose 'From Beginning'.  Just click on each page as you finish reading and the next one will appear.

Use all this information to complete the following two tasks:

  1. write 2 sentences to explain why earthworms are important in Autumn
  2. draw and label an earthworm using all the facts from the video and presentation

Can you find any earthworms in your garden or in the park?  Can you make a wormery for them?  We suggest you keep it in a shed or garage.  Just don't forget to keep adding a little water to keep the soil damp.

Earthworms (27th May 2020) View download document